Friday, June 27, 2014

The meaning of Paper Towns

The phrase Paper Towns is used in three different ways in three different parts of the novel.
In "The Strings" Margo and Q use the phrase to refer to Orlando, and Margo calls it a "paper town" bacuase it's fimlsy and planned- from above, Orlando looks very much like a cirty that someone built out of origami or something. But what Margo is really doing by using this phrase is giving Q a clue.
In "The Grass", Q discovers a new meaning for "paper towns". He learns that they can refer to subdivisions that were started and then abandoned - subdivisions that exist on paper but not (entirely) in real life.
In the final part "The Vessel", Q learns a third meaning of "paper towns", this weird cartographic phenomena wherein mapmakers will insert fake places onto their maps to make sure no one is copying their maps. It is through this that he enventually finds Agloe, a town that was fake but then made real by virtue of having been put on a map, and in doing so, he finds Margo.

The different definitions of "Paper Towns" for each section of the book, each represent a different way of his imagining Margo. In the first part, he's viewing Margo very one-dimensionally. She's paper-thin to him; she is nothing but the object of his affection. In the second part, he's seeing a girl who's half there and half not, so he's thinking about her with more complexity but still not really thinking of her as a human being. Then in the final part of the novel, his complex imagining reconnects him to her.

This book shows many things, but the most important one is that you can never know what's going on inside a person's mind unless they want you to. It is a complex thing to do, but with trust, anything is possible.

Friday, June 13, 2014

When Margo and Quentin lost their masks

"It is a treacherous thing tobelieve that a person is more than a person"

It took me a while to understand what this means, but after reading a lot about Margo and Quentin I understood.
When we love someone, we don't see them as plain human beings, they become "demigods". We want to believe that there's nothing they can say or do that would be wrong, and we constantly put them in pedestals. That's why people say "Love is blind". You go through the motions and you don't really take the time to see the person underneath all the things you WANT to see.

That's what happened to Margo. She realized that people in the world were completely shallow and that nobody really knew her real self. That's also why she chose Quentin to be the one to find her, because he was the only person who could see underneath all the fake emotions.

In my opinion, Quentin and Margo's love is epic. They lost their masks.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Why was Margo Roth so obssessed with leaving? Simple, she grew tired of putting up with everyone's expectations and prejudice. She realized that to be free, she needed to get away from everyone. 
Everyone but Quentin.

Margo started pulling Quentin in since she asked him for his mother's minivan. What Q didn't realize was that he was in way over his head with her.
It was love that drove him to find her... Well... Love and a little bit of curiosity He thought she was crazy at first, then he realized he wouldn't love her if she was just like everybody else, it was her craziness that made her so special

Friday, May 16, 2014

Who is the real Margo Roth Spiegelman?

"Margo Roth Spiegelman, whose six-syllable name was often spoken in its entirety with a kind of quiet reverence. Margo Roth Spiegelman, whose stories of epic adventures would blow through school like a summer storm"

Margo Roth Spiegelman is a mystery to everyone who knows her. Her parents and friends have only skimmed the surface of Margo's identity, while Q comes to know her a better than anyone else on their one-night adventure consisting of revenge, pranking and breaking into Sea World. 
Everything seems perfect to Quentin, until Margo disappears the next day without so much as a goodbye.

To me, Margo is misunderstood. At first in the book, she appears selfish and she tries to string Q along with her to do her biding. But the truth is, a lot of people were unintentionally idealizing her, including Q. She is a mess of contradictions and thus, impossible to truly understand. She teaches us about human connection and the barriers in understanding each other

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Appearances can be deceiving


These are names Quentin has been called in highschool. What they don't know is that behind all that geekiness and nerdiness, there's a thoughtful, selfless person who is just trying to get his best friend back.

Margo has been a mystery to Quentin since she stopped talking to him, but there's nothing he likes more than solving them. So when she shows up in his window pane after a few years, asking strange question to just disappear the next day, he takes it to heart to find her and bring the girl he once knew back home.

People label you, that's a hard truth. Sometimes you can choose whether you want to give them what you want them to think and say about you, or you can chose to let them think whatever they want. Margo chose to let Q decide whether he is up for the challenge or if he is just going to let her be labeled as a crazy person and disappear forever.

Friday, April 18, 2014

How far would yo go for love?

Quentin Jacobsen has been in love with Margo Roth for as long as he could remember, and when she starts showing signs of abstraction from the world, he realizes he would do just about anything to get her to open up and prove to her how much he loves her.
When people talk about love, they say that they can't explain the feeling, that you just know when it's happening to you, you're just fascinated by that other significate person, you suffer when they suffer, you want to go to extreme lengths to make sure that they are happy. Some even say they would die for that other person.I have never been in love. I know what love is, or what it's supposed to be and I have learned all that from books. After reading a few pages of Paper Towns, I know that Quentin's love for Margo is going to be epic, and I am excited to find out just how far he would go for her, as I am sure she is not going to make it easy. After all, she is a mystery.