Friday, June 13, 2014

When Margo and Quentin lost their masks

"It is a treacherous thing tobelieve that a person is more than a person"

It took me a while to understand what this means, but after reading a lot about Margo and Quentin I understood.
When we love someone, we don't see them as plain human beings, they become "demigods". We want to believe that there's nothing they can say or do that would be wrong, and we constantly put them in pedestals. That's why people say "Love is blind". You go through the motions and you don't really take the time to see the person underneath all the things you WANT to see.

That's what happened to Margo. She realized that people in the world were completely shallow and that nobody really knew her real self. That's also why she chose Quentin to be the one to find her, because he was the only person who could see underneath all the fake emotions.

In my opinion, Quentin and Margo's love is epic. They lost their masks.

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